You Are Valuable! Do You Know Your Worth?
Every person is valuable, but do you truly know how valuable you are and what your are worth? Are you short changing your worth? “read more…”
Every person is valuable, but do you truly know how valuable you are and what your are worth? Are you short changing your worth? “read more…”
Contrary to popular belief – SEX – is not a dirty word! It’s time to have a conversation that many Christians are afraid to approach. The truth is that God created sex and has a purpose for it! Join the ladies of No Substitute Ministries for an open and honest conversation about sex. “read more…”
Join us if you’re in the Metro Atlanta area for bubble tea and fellowship! Come and let us love on you, pray for you, and encourage you in the Word of God! Hope to see you there!“read more…”
On February 28th through March 27th, 2015, No Substitute Ministries begins a mission of global proportions – and we need YOUR help! Click here to join now and become a golf team captain, team member, sponsor, or ambassador! Please note: All golfers play for FREE! Why? Because what’s even more valuable to us than your money is your influence! YOUR influence and investment into the lives of women can change society as we know it!“read more…”
Hello No Substitute Ministries Followers
The ladies of No Substitutes Ministries would like to thank you for all your support and encouragement you have given us throughout 2014. It truly is a blessing!
We wanted to share another great way you can support No Substitute Ministries. “read more…”
There are times when we suppress, deny or minimize our feelings because we may have been not have been shown how to regulate our emotion. In addition, we may have been taught that we should not feel angry, hurt, or sad. As a result, you may have developed a habit of suppressing some emotions, wishing or praying them away. Watch Bianca talk about how to ‘Validate Your Feelings’ “read more…”
If you didn’t make it in person on via stream, you won’t want to miss the replay of these dynamic women of God share their stories and wisdom on how to be Indispensably Good!“read more…”
Join No Substitute Ministries on Saturday, November 1, 2014 for Woman 2 Woman: A REALTalk Panel on Being Indispensably Good!
Our POWERFUL guest speakers will lead us in life-changing conversation, inspiration, and revelation centering around the very pillars that build the Woman’s soul – acceptance, value, affirmation, companionship, and identity!
Meet our dynamic speakers! “read more…”
As much as we want to be chosen as wives, did you know a man also needs to be qualified to be a husband? At our last event, The Second Annual A.MEN Panel, one of our male panelist detailed exactly what a man needs BEFORE we consider saying ‘YES’ to the dress or the ring! What are they?“read more…”